CHọn và nhân bản





1. Ruler

2. Guides

Guide là đường thẳng giúp người vẽ xác định các vị trí bằng các gióng hàng

  • Tạo guide:
    • Linh hoạt: Kéo từ thước vào artboard
    • Chính xác: View > Guides Manager > Add new ... guide 
  • Di chuyển guide
  • Xóa guide


Do one of the following:

Drag the guide with the Move Tool when you see the cursor change.
From the View menu, select Guides Manager. Double-click on the value for the guide you want to edit and type a new position into the value field. (Note that you do not need to type the units.)
To position guides by percentage:

From the View menu, select Guides Manager.
Select the Percent option.
Percentages are calculated from the top-left of the document page.

To show or hide guides:

From the View menu, select Show Guides. A check mark is displayed next to the menu item when the guides are visible.
If guides are hidden, they will automatically become viewable again if a new guide is added by dragging from a ruler.

To remove guides:

Do one of the following:

With the Move Tool selected, drag the guide off the page.
From the View menu, select Guides Manager. Click to select the value for the guide you want to delete and then click the Remove guide icon.
When creating or moving objects, you can snap to guides.

3. Grid

4. Snap

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