ProRes RAW

ProRes RAW

Support for ProRes RAW files lets you design motion graphics using pristine RAW image data from the camera sensor
Enjoy smooth playback and real-time graphics creation on laptop and desktop Mac computers
Work natively with ProRes RAW or ProRes RAW HQ files created by ATOMOS recorders and DJI Inspire 2 drone
Motion 5.4.1 also includes the following:


Glyphs no longer clip at the cube faces in a 360° project when a font size is increased using Font Size, Face:Blur, Outline:Blur, Glow: Blur, Drop Shadow: Blur, and Drop Shadow: Scale
Moving filters from a layer to an environment in a 360° projects produces consistent results
Reorient filter applied to the 360° environment displays correctly
Fixes an issue in which the output of a 360° reorient filter applied to a 360° environment sourced from a clone could appear tiled

Drop Zone

Fixes an issue in which drop zone dimensions could change after undo/redo actions
Fixes an issue in which crop parameters persist after a drop zone is unchecked
Empty drop zone pan and scale parameters are saved
Duplicate drop zones automatically publish image wells

Stability and Reliability

Improves stability when loading a plain text file into a file text generator
Fixes an issue in which changing transform using onscreen controls could cause a jump in scale after the pivot has been altered
Fixes an issue in which the tracker could stop working after performing analysis on a stabilize behavior
Fixes an issue in which generators could become clipped when rotated on Y axis
Fixes an issue in which Align To occasionally disconnected from a target object
Fixes an issue in which pan does not reset after each drop of a new source


Text style pop-up no longer appears blank when clicking between a text object and Inspector tabs
Fixes an application hang when using rotation on screen controls after a Sequence Text is applied
User Interface

Frame rates of 100fps or 120fps display three digits for frames
Heads Up Display color well settings load correctly
Fixes an issue in which moving onscreen controls go beyond the Viewer boundary when working with non-square aspect ratio media
Lighter canvas background makes the canvas edges more visible
Fixes an issue where Tooltips persisted after upgrading to High Sierra



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