Màu sắc trong Affinity Designer

Áp màu lên mảng

Click chọn mảng và chọn màu

Stroke và Fill

Nền trong suốt

File > Document Setup.. > Color: Transparent background

Copy thuộc tính (màu sắc, ....)

  • Cách 1:
    • Chọn đối tượng muốn copy nhấn  C
    • Chọn đối tượng muốn áp thuộc tính:   V (edit > Paste style)
  • Cách 2: Sử dụng eyedropper 
    • Kéo công cụ eyedropper (từ bảng lệnh color) lên mảng màu muốn lấy (màu nguồn)
    • Click chọn mảng sẽ áp màu (mảng đích), click lên công cụ eyedropper

Lấy màu Gradient

  • Trên thanh properties, chọn Fill để mở họp thoại color, chọn Gradient
  • Click chọn kiểu gradient, chọn thẻ màu
  • Chọn ô color bên dưới, Kéo công cụ ống hút màu (góc phải trên hộp thoại đó) đến chỗ muốn lấy màu
  • Click lên ống hút màu ở góc trên 1 lần nữa để áp màu vào thẻ

Chỉnh Gradient

Dùng Fill tool 

Gradient Overlay

The Gradient Overlay effect is used to apply a colour gradient on top of any existing colours. Settings The following settings are shown on the Effects panel: Opacity—Controls the transparency of the effect. Layer Effects—provides access to the Layer Effects dialog for more advanced settings and controls. The following advanced settings can be adjusted in the Layer Effects dialog: Type—determines the gradient type used. Select from the pop-up menu. Gradient—sets the colour gradient. Click the gradient thumbnail to edit. Scale—defines the spread of the gradient separately for the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) axes. Offset—defines the start and end stops of the gradient. This is set separately for the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) axes. Angle—defines the direction of the light source, shadow or gradient. Scale with Object—when selected (default), the effect scales in proportion to the object if the object is resized. If this option is off, the effect's scale remains unchanged when the object is resized. Fill Opacity—sets the opacity of the layer contents without affecting the applied effects.

Colour Overlay

The Colour Overlay effect is used to apply a solid colour on top of any existing colours. Settings The following settings are shown on the Effects panel: Colour—sets the colour of the effect. Click the colour box to choose the colour from the pop-up panel. Opacity—controls the transparency of the effect. Layer Effects—provides access to the Layer Effects dialog for more advanced settings and controls. The following advanced settings can be adjusted in the Layer Effects dialog: Blend mode—changes how the effect interacts with content below the current layer. Scale with Object—when selected (default), the effect scales in proportion to the object if the object is resized. If this option is off, the effect's scale remains unchanged when the object is resized. Fill Opacity—sets the opacity of the layer contents without affecting the applied effects.   Swatches

Xuất nhập swatch

ase, afpalette

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