PDF tương tác là Dynamic PDF Document hay interactive PDF, là các file có button, movie, sound, hyperlinks, bookmark và page transition

Các thành phần của Dynamic PDF

  • Bookmarks: Bookmarks you create in the InDesign document appear in the Bookmarks tab on the left side of the Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader window. Each bookmark jumps to a page, text, or graphic in the exported PDF file. See Bookmarks.
  • Movies and sound clips: You can add movies and sound clips to a document, or you can link to streaming video files on the Internet. These movies and sound clips can be played back in the exported PDF file. See Movies and sounds.
  • Hyperlinks: In an exported PDF document, clicking a hyperlink jumps to another location in the same document, to a different document, or to a website. See Hyperlinks.
  • Cross-references: A cross-reference refers readers from one part of your document to another in the exported PDF file. Cross-references are especially useful in user guides and reference manuals. When a document with cross-references is exported to PDF, the cross-references act as interactive hyperlinks. See Cross-references.
  • Page transitions: Page transitions apply a decorative effect, such as a dissolve or wipe, when you turn the page in the exported PDF while in Full Screen Mode. See Page transitions.


  • Chọn đối tượng,
  • Mở bảng Animation trong: Window > Interactive > animation

Nguồn: https://helpx.adobe.com/indesign/using/dynamic-pdf-documents.html

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