Face (Mảng, mặt) trong SketchUp được bao bọc bởi các Line (đường) trong cùng 1 mặt phẳng. Vì vậy bạn đóng kín các đường line thì khoảng đóng kín sẽ tự động tạo ra mặt

Tạo face

Xóa face

Ẩn face

Creating a face
When you join several lines into a shape, they form a face.

Not a funny face, or a scary clown face, or even a cute puppy face. By default, faces are plain, but super important: They’re the other half of the duo, edges and faces, which enable every SketchUp model ever made to exist.

Tip: By default, SketchUp adds shading to some faces, as shown here, and the faces are opaque, so you know your model has an actual wall, floor, or whatever your face is supposed to represent in your 3D model. (However, SketchUp does include a view that enables you to see through walls, just like Superman. See Viewing a Model for details.)

The shape tools — Rectangle, Circle, and Polygon — also create faces. (See Drawing Basic Shapes for more about those tools.) Dividing faces
When you draw a line (or a curve) on an existing face, you split the face.

Tip: This concept is important because, after you split a face, you can use the Push/Pull tool to push or pull one part of the face while the other part stays put, as shown here. See Pushing and Pulling Shapes into 3D for details about the Push/Pull tool.

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