Cho đến phần này, mọi chuyện xem như đã hoàn tất, giờ chỉ có việc xuất ra Platform nào để chạy thôi.

Bước 1: Save toàn bộ quá trình lại.

Một trong những điều tuyệt vời của Unity là sau khi hoàn thành, bạn có thể xuất game ra nhiều platform để chạy trên hệ điều hành như mong muốn

Bước 2: Build Settings

Để xuất game, bạn phải mở hộp thoại File > Build Settings

Trong hộp thoại Build Settings, bạn có thể xuất game ra nhiều platform

  • Nếu xuất game ra Mac bạn sẽ có file app, window sẽ là file exe và trường hợp này chỉ cần nhấn Build. Nếu xuất ra các Platform khác, các dòng ở phía dưới, bạn cần phải nhấn Switch Platform, trước khi nhấn Build.
  • Nếu Build scene hiện hành, trường hợp này là Minigame, click nút "Add Open Scenes". Nếu Build scene khác (trường hợp có nhiều scene) thì kéo scene từ bảng lệnh Project vào ô "Scenes in Build". Nếu ô này bỏ trống Unity sẽ build Scene hiện hành.
  • Động tác cuối cùng là click "Build"

Nên tạo thư mục "Build" trong Project để chứa các file xuất

Bước 3: Test game

Sau khi xuất với Platform Mac, vào thư mục "Build" chạy thử


Link Video giới thiệu game:

Dịch từ phụ đề

Now that we've finished our game we need to present it to our players.
One of the greatest things about Unity is that once we have created our game we can deploy it to many of the current platforms. For more detailed information on building and build targets please see the lesson linked below.
Before we build our game we should save our scene.
To build our game we must first open the Build Settings window.
We can do this by selecting File - Build Settings or by using the key combination of shift plus command or control plus B.
This brings up the Build Settings window.
Our current build target is indicated by the Unity logo. The blue highlight indicates our focus and shows us on the right hand side the build options for the currently selected platform.
We want to build a standalone application. This is our current build target. PC, Mac and Linux Standalone. We do not need to change our build target. If we did want to change our build target we can select the desired platform from the list and click the Switch Platforms button at the bottom of the window. Let's now return our build target to the standalone player.
Once we have selected our new build target we need to add the scenes we want to build to the Build Settings window.
We can add the current scene by clicking the Add Current button. Or we can drag and drop any scene from our project view in to the field at the top of the Build Settings window. It's worth noting that we don't need to include every scene in our project.
We only need to include the scenes we we want in our game. It is also possible to perform a build with no scenes in the build Settings window. If we do this, Unity will simply build our game using the current scene we have open for editing.
Now we are ready to build our game.
Let's return to the Build Settings window and click the Build button. This will bring up a dialogue box asking us to choose a build location. I like to associate my build location with my project, so I will create a new folder inside my project called Builds. This folder must be placed only on the root of our project alongside the assets and library folders. With the build folder selected let's name the build and then click save. Unity will now build the application and save it to our Builds folder
When building for the Mac Unity builds a .app bundle, which contains all of the relevant data and files.
When building for Windows Unity builds a .exe file and a data folder which contains all of the necessary resources.
To run the game, simply run the executable application.
And now we are running our game.
And, we win!
So in these assignments we have learned how to create new game objects, how to position them in the scene, add new components to them, write our own custom behaviours for them using simple scripting.
We've seen how to use lights, cameras, colliders, triggers, rigid bodies.
We can collect and count objects.
Though this is a very simple example, it covers a large set of basic subjects important to understanding how to use Unity.
For continued learning about Unity check the Learn site for more lessons, assignments and projects.

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