Set back ground color:

  • color: dark grey
  • size: 1366 px x 768 px

Set text

  • word: LIGHT
  • color: black
  • font: Palatino
  • Arrang text at center of  little hight

Step 2:

  • Rasterize text
  • Duplicate 2 time into 3 layer rasterized text
  • Hide 2 top layer
  • On the third layer rasterise text (name: Shine)
    • Make a selection: Selections Persona: Commands > Select Tonal Range > Select shadows
    • Change color from black to white: Filter studio: Fill: Mode: colour;
    • Filter > zoom to blur
  • On the second layer rasterise text (name: Shadow)
    • Flip horizontal
    • Filter studio: Mesh Warp



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