Layer effects can be applied to any layer to add more creativity to your design.

Hiệu ứng Layer
  • Outer Shadow
  • Inner Shadow
  • Bevel/Emboss
  • Outer Glow
  • Inner Glow
  • Gaussian Blur
  • Outline
  • 3D
  • Colour Overlay
  • Gradient Overlay

Layer effects can be applied to any layer from the Layer FX Studio.

To apply layer effects:

  1. In the Layers Studio, select the layer(s) that you want to apply the effect to.
  2. In the Layer FX Studio, enable the effect you want to apply.
  3. Tap the effect and adjust the settings as desired (increase Radius initially).
  4. If required, select other effects and adjust the settings.

When a layer has one or more effects applied, an fx icon appears to the right of the layer’s name in the Layers Studio.

To edit layer effects:

  1. Select the layer that you want to edit.
  2. Repeat the steps above.


The Outer Shadow effect is used to add a shadow to edges.

The following settings are shown when the effect is selected in the Layer FX Studio.

  • Blend Mode — changes how the effect interacts with content below the current layer.
  • Opacity — Độ trong của mảng bóng đổ.
  • Radius (Size) — controls the extent of the effect.
  • Offset (Distance) — Độ lệch xa của mảng bóng đổ changes the distance between the layer content and the effect.
  • Intensity (spread) — Độ lan xa của phần đậm mảng bóng đổ, là khoảng cách giữa phần tối nhất đến rìa mảng bóng đổ.
  • Colour (color) — Màu bóng đổ.
  • Angle — defines the direction of the light source, shadow or gradient.
  • Knockout—when enabled (default), if the fill is semi-transparent, the option prevents the effect from showing through the fill and contributing negatively.

Gesture: drag ngón tay lên màn hình để điều chỉnh bóng đỗ


The Inner Shadow effect is used to add a diffused shadow to the inside of an edge.


The following settings are shown when the effect is selected in the Layer FX Studio.

Blend mode—changes how the effect interacts with content below the current layer.
Opacity—controls the transparency of the effect.
Radius—controls the extent of the effect.
Offset—changes the distance between the layer content and the effect.
Intensity—determines how much the radius of the effect is blurred.
Colour—sets the colour of the effect. Tap the colour box to choose the colour from the pop-up panel.
Angle—defines the direction of the light source, shadow or gradient.


The Bevel/Emboss effect is used to add rounded edges and shadows to give a 3D impression.

Depending on the type of bevel or emboss set, the rounded edge might be inside or outside layer content, convex or concave, and may include a shadow.

For all bevel/emboss effects you can adopt a preset or custom profile that defines the bevel/emboss edge.


The following settings are shown when the effect is selected in the Layer FX Studio.

  • Type
    • Inner (bevel): Hiệu ứng gờ nổi phần biên phía bên trong đối tượng. Tạo khối
    • Outer (bevel): Hiệu ứng gờ nổi phần biên phía bên ngoài đối tượng
    • Emboss: Hiệu ứng gờ nổi phần biên phía bên ngoài và cả bên trong đối tượng
    • Pillow (emboss): Hiệu ứng gờ nổi phần biên trong và hiệu ứng khắc lỏm biên ngoài đối tượng (ngược lại với outer bevel.


  • Radius (Size) — Độ lớn của hiệu ứng gờ nổi.
  • Depth— Độ lồi lõm sets the depth of the effect. This can be linked to Radius or set independently (by tapping the lock symbol).
  • Soften—Làm mềm biên bóng đổ và mảng bóng sáng.
  • Azimuth (Angle) — hướng nguồn sáng, hướng bóng đổ hay gradient.
  • Elevation (altitude) — Độ cao của nguồn sáng, bóng đổ hay gradient.
  • Profile—defines how the light is applied and sculpts the ridges, valleys, and bumps that are shaded in the process. Tap on the curve to add a node, drag a node or portion of the curve to shape it.
  • Enable — Bật tắt để so sánh trước và sau hiệu ứng lighting profile.
  • Invert — Đảo ngược hiệu ứng lighting profile.
  • Linear — Khi bật các đường kết nối các node trong đồ thị là đường thẳng, nếu tắt thì các đường này sẽ là đường cong.
  • Highlight — sets the blend mode, colour and opacity for the highlight. Blend mode defaults to screen.
  • Shadow — sets the blend mode, colour and opacity for the shadow. Blend mode defaults to multiply.




The Outer Glow effect is used to add a colour border to edges.




The following settings are shown when the effect is selected in the Layer FX Studio.

Blend Mode—changes how the effect interacts with content below the current layer.
Opacity—controls the transparency of the effect.
Radius—controls the extent of the effect.
Intensity—determines how much the radius of the effect is blurred.
Colour—sets the colour of the effect. Tap the colour box to choose the colour from the pop-up panel.

Using layer effects
Inner Glow


Inner Glow


The Inner Glow effect is used to add a colour border to the inside of an edge. It can be set to the edge or centre of the edge.




The following settings are shown when the effect is selected in the Layer FX Studio.

Blend mode—changes how the effect interacts with content below the current layer.
Opacity—controls the transparency of the effect.
Radius—controls the extent of the effect.
Intensity—determines how much the radius of the effect is blurred.
Colour—sets the colour of the effect. Tap the colour box to choose the colour from the pop-up panel.
Origin—determines the origin of the effect; either from the Edge or the Centre.

Using layer effects
Outer Glow


Gaussian Blur
The Gaussian Blur effect is used to create a pleasing, smooth blur using a weighted average.




The following settings are shown when the effect is selected in the Layer FX Studio.

Radius—controls the extent of the effect.
Preserve Alpha—when enabled, object edges are not subject to blurring.

Using layer effects


The Outline effect is used to add a coloured outline to layer content.




The following settings are shown when the effect is selected in the Layer FX Studio.

Blend Mode—changes how the effect interacts with content below the current layer.
Opacity—controls the transparency of the effect.
Radius—controls the extent of the effect.
Alignment—sets the position of the outline; Inside, Outside or Centre.
Fill Style—sets the type of fill applied to the outline.
Colour—sets the colour of the effect. Tap the colour box to choose the colour from the pop-up panel.
The Fill Style includes Contour, which applies a gradient fill which runs from the inner to the outer edge of the outline width.


Using layer effects


3D Effect
The 3D effect is used to create the impression of a textured surface.




The following settings are shown when the effect is selected in the Layer FX Studio.

Radius—controls the extent of the effect.
Depth—sets the depth of the effect. This can be linked to Radius or set independently (by tapping the lock symbol).
Soften—blurs the shadows and highlights.
Opacity—controls the transparency of the effect.
Profile—defines how the light is applied and sculpts the ridges, valleys, and bumps that are shaded in the process. Tap on the curve to add a node, drag a node or portion of the curve to shape it.
Enable—switches the effect on or off for before-and-after comparison.
Linear—when enabled, the graduation between two nodes in the profile is linear (i.e. uses straight lines). If this option is off, profile nodes are connected using smooth curves.
Ambient—sets the intensity of ambient light. Colour sets the ambient light colour.
Specular—sets the intensity of specular colour reflected from the surface when lit by the Light source. A high setting will give a gloss appearance, while a low setting will give a matt appearance. Colour sets the specular light colour.
Shininess—sets the amount of specular colour reflected from the surface when lit by the Light Source. A high setting gives sharper highlights, while a low setting will give widespread highlights.
Diffuse—sets the amount of diffuse colour reflected from the surface when lit by the Light Source. A high setting will give a matt appearance, while a low setting will give a gloss appearance.
Light Source—select a light source from the list. You can then adjust the settings below for the currently selected light source.
Add—applies an additional light source to the effect.
Delete—deletes the selected light source. If there is only one light source it cannot be removed.
Duplicate—makes a new light source as a copy of the currenty selected light source.
Azimuth—defines the direction of the current light source, shadow or gradient.
Elevation—defines the 'height' of the current light source.
Colour—sets the colour of the current light source.

Using layer effects


Colour Overlay
The Colour Overlay effect is used to apply a solid colour on top of any existing colours.




The following settings are shown when the effect is selected in the Layer FX Studio.

Blend Mode—changes how the effect interacts with content below the current layer.
Opacity—controls the transparency of the effect.
Colour—sets the colour of the effect. Tap the colour swatch to choose the colour from the pop-up panel.

Using layer effects
Gradient Overlay


Gradient Overlay
The Gradient Overlay effect is used to apply a greyscale or colour gradient on top of any existing colours.




The following settings are shown when the effect is selected in the Layer FX Studio.

Blend Mode—changes how the effect interacts with content below the current layer.
Opacity—controls the transparency of the effect.
Type—determines the gradient type used. Choose from Linear, Elliptical, or Radial.
Scale X—defines the spread of the gradient separately for the X (horizontal) axis.
Scale Y—defines the spread of the gradient separately for the Y (vertical) axis.
Offset X—defines the start and end points of the gradient. This is set separately for the X (horizontal) axis.
Offset Y—defines the start and end points of the gradient. This is set separately for the Y (vertical) axis.
Angle—defines the direction of the light source, shadow or gradient.

Using layer effects
Colour Overlay

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