Là một trong những phần mềm miễn phí xuất sắc của Apple trên Mac, iBooks giúp bạn đọc những file epub, ibook với cả giao diện được thiết lập như một kệ sách chuyên nghiệp.
Di Chuyển

  • trang đầu tiên
  • trang cuối cùng
  • trờ về trang trướcLeft Arrow

Keyboard shortcuts


Action Shortcut
Add a new collection to your library. Command-N
Add books to your library. Shift-Command-O
Bookmark the page you’re currently viewing. Command-D

Open a book’s search field.

After opening the search field, just start typing, then press Return to search.

Show a book’s Table of Contents. Command-T
Show a book’s Thumbnail Table of Contents. Shift-Command-T
Show your notes in the book’s margins. Command-3
Show all notes and highlights in the Notes panel. Command-4
Show study cards for a book. Command-5
Show a book’s glossary. Command-6
See one page at a time. Command-1
See two pages at a time. Command-2
See the book at its actual size. Command-0
Zoom in. Command-Plus sign (+)
Zoom out. Command-Minus sign (-)
Switch to full-screen view. Control-Command-F
Go to the next page, or the next image, callout, or question in expanded interactive media. Right Arrow, Down Arrow, or Page Down
Go to the previous page, or the previous image, callout, or question in expanded interactive media. Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Page Up
Go to the next chapter. Shift-Command-Right Arrow
Go to the previous chapter. Shift-Command-Left Arrow
Go back to your previous spot in the book. Command-Left bracket ([)
Go forward to your original spot in the book. Command-Right bracket (])
Open the iBooks Store homepage. Shift-Command-H
Open your iBooks library. Command-L


Action Gesture
Go to the next or previous page. Swipe left or right.
Go to the next or previous gallery image. Swipe left or right when the pointer is over a gallery.

Enlarge the feature.

When you’re done, pinch closed.

Pinch open when the pointer is over interactive media.
The graphical TOC opens. Pinch closed in a book with a graphical table of contents.

command  ⋅⋅⋅  ⌥ option, alt  ⋅⋅⋅  ⇧ shift  ⋅⋅⋅  ⌃ ctrl  ⋅⋅⋅  ⎵ spacebar  ⋅⋅⋅  ⇥ tab  ⋅⋅⋅  ↵ Enter

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