Các yếu tố trong trang Article


Headline: Article headlines are the most critical elements of magazine design. Readers typically judge articles by the way their headings are presented. Headings should be typically larger than the body-text and should be meaningful and impactful enough to attract the attention of the readers.

Preliminary Paragraph: Introduction, also known as ‘kicker’ or ‘stand-first’, is the initial piece of content that introduces readers to an article’s actual content. Introduction complements the appeal of the heading, keeps the readers’ interest levels high, and provokes them to read the entire article. The introductory paragraph determines the tone of the article and sometimes even serves as an article summary. This portion should either have bigger fonts than the rest of the article or it may be highlighted with bolder fonts as well.

Body Copy (10 - 14)

The body text is the main part of the article and it discusses about the article topic in greater detail. Well-written articles can engage readers very well and influence them to buy different issues of the magazine again and again. When you start designing the magazine layout, you should start with the design of the body text because it occupies the maximum space and runs through several paragraphs. Focus on improving readability by adjusting the rows and columns in an appropriate manner. Make sure that the length of the body text is almost similar in all the articles.

Bylines: Byline is the line that appears below the article headline. Bylines usually carry the article writer’s name. You can allow the fonts of the bylines and the body texts to have fonts of the same size.

Sub-headings: Sub-headings separate an article into multiple sections and allow readers to get an idea of what they should expect in the consequent paragraphs. Subheadings may be presented using the same font as the body text, but you should highlight them appropriately to make them stand out from the rest of the text. Keep sub-headings bold to give them the appearance of mini-headings. Avoid putting sub-headings below quotes or images.

Pull Quotes: Pull quotes make articles look interesting. Quotes allow for a better expression of stories especially if they are clubbed with images. You may either select a portion from the body text itself or you may choose to rephrase certain portions of the body text and present it as an excerpt or a quote. The font that you use to present pull quotes should be different from the font that you use to present the body text.

Image Captions: Write image captions in a way that they complement the look and feel of images. Captions should be placed below the image and should describe it properly. The font size of the body text and the image caption can be the same or else, you may choose to use font that is a bit smaller than the font of the body text.

Running Headings: You may not need to work on running headings in all magazines, but some magazines definitely need running headings. Running headings appear at the top of all pages of a magazine and allows readers to smoothly navigate through the magazine. Put more emphasis in designing your running headings creatively because your readers see them more frequently and so they need to be visually appealing.

Folio: Folio refers to a way of arranging sheets of papers by folding them in particular ways. A folio should be designed in such a way that readers do not get irritated while looking at it in all pages. You should exercise proper care when you need to work on a magazine that features full bleed images. You may end up annoying readers if you put folios on pages that contain full bleed images.

Panel: Also referred to as ‘box copies’, panels contain important facts on the topic of an article. These are facts that a reader should know and these would keep readers more engaged. Information that is included in the boxes has very short length and the facts usually appear in the form of statistics or dates or small pieces of information. These boxes should be placed strategically in the layout so as to grab the attention of the readers. You may choose to give every box a specific heading.

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