Lưu ý là, phím tắt của keynote cũng theo 1 hệ bộ ba iWork (Pages, Number, Keynote). Cho nên nếu bạn rành 1 cái, thì có thể sử dụng cho những cái kia
- Zoom in/out --------- Scroll ⌘ ⌥
- Zoom in/out --------- ⌘ ⇧ > --------- ⌘ ⇧ <
- Zoom 100% --------- ⌘ ⌥ 0
- Zoom selection --------- ⌘ ⇧ 0
- Zoom to fit content --------- ⌘ ⇧ ⌥ 0
- Return to actual size --------- ⌘ 0
- font size bigger --------- ⌘ +
- font size smaller --------- ⌘ -
⌘ command ⋅⋅⋅ ⌥ option, alt ⋅⋅⋅ ⇧ shift ⋅⋅⋅ ⌃ ctrl ⋅⋅⋅ ⎵ spacebar ⋅⋅⋅ ⇥ tab ⋅⋅⋅ ↵ Enter
Action → Shortcut
Start dictation → Press Fn twice
Open the theme chooser → Command-N
Open the theme chooser and show the Language pop-up menu → Option-Command-N
Close the theme chooser → Esc
Open an existing presentation → Command-O
Save a presentation → Command-S
Save as → Option-Shift-Command-S
Duplicate a presentation → Shift-Command-S
Print a presentation → Command-P
Open the Keynote User Guide → Shift-Command-Question Mark (?)
Close a window → Command-W
Close all windows → Option-Command-W
Minimize a window → Command-M
Minimize all windows → Option-Command-M
Enter full-screen view → Control-Command-F
Zoom in → Command-Right Angle Bracket (>)
Zoom out → Command-Left Angle Bracket (<)
Show the Preferences window → Command-Comma (,)
Zoom to selection → Shift-Command-0
Zoom to fit content (including objects on the extended canvas) in the window
→ Option-Shift-Command-0
Fit slide in the window → Option-Command-0
Return to actual size → Command-0
Show or hide the tab bar → Shift-Command-T
Show the presentation rulers → Command-R
Choose a file to insert → Shift-Command-V
Show the Colors window → Shift-Command-C
Hide or show the toolbar → Option-Command-T
Rearrange an item in the toolbar → Command-drag
Remove an item from the toolbar → Command-drag away from the toolbar
Hide or show inspector sidebars → Option-Command-I
Hide or show the object list → Shift-Command-L
Select all object types in the object list filter menu → Command-A
Deselect all object types in the object list filter menu → Shift-Command-A
Open the next tab in the sidebar → Control-Grave (`)
Open the previous tab in the sidebar → Shift-Control-Grave (`)
Enter or exit Edit Master Slides view → Shift-Command-E
Add a new master slide (from Edit Master Slides view) → Shift-Command-N
Hide Keynote → Command-H
Hide other windows → Option-Command-H
Undo the last action → Command-Z
Redo the last action → Shift-Command-Z
Quit Keynote → Command-Q
Quit Keynote and keep windows open → Option-Command-Q
Action → Shortcut
Move one character to the left → Left Arrow
Move one character to the right
Right Arrow
Move one character backward (works for left-to-right and right-to-left text)
Move one character forward (works for left-to-right and right-to-left text)
Move to the line above
Up Arrow
Move to the line below
Down Arrow
Move to the beginning of the current or previous word
Option-Left Arrow or Control-Option-B
Move to the end of the current or next word
Option-Right Arrow or Control-Option-F
Move to the beginning of the current text area
Command-Up Arrow
Move to the bottom of the current text area
Command-Down Arrow
Move to the beginning of the current line
Command-Left Arrow
Move to the end of the current line
Command-Right Arrow
Move to the beginning of the current paragraph
Option-Up Arrow
Move to the end of the current paragraph
Option-Down Arrow
Find the selected item in the presentation
Jump to a selection in a presentation
Scroll to the beginning of the slide
Home or Fn-Up Arrow
Scroll to the end of the slide
End or Fn-Down Arrow
Center the insertion point in the app window
Move to the next slide
Fn-Down Arrow or Page Down
Move to the previous slide
Fn-Up Arrow or Page Up
Move to the first slide
Fn-Left Arrow or Home
Move to the last slide
Fn-Right Arrow or End
Action → Shortcut
Select one or more characters
Click in front of the first character and drag across the characters you want to select
Select a word
Double-click the word
Select a paragraph
Triple-click in the paragraph
Select all objects and text
Deselect all objects and text
Extend the text selection
Click in the text, then Shift-click in another location in the text
Extend the selection one character to the right
Shift-Right Arrow
Extend the selection one character to the left
Shift-Left Arrow
Extend the selection to the end of the current word, then to the end of subsequent words
Option-Shift-Right Arrow
Extend the selection to the beginning of the current word
Option-Shift-Left Arrow
Extend the selection to the end of the current line
Shift-Command-Right Arrow
Extend the selection to the beginning of the current line
Shift-Command-Left Arrow
Extend the selection to the line above
Shift-Up Arrow
Extend the selection to the line below
Shift-Down Arrow
Extend the selection to the beginning of the current paragraph
Option-Shift-Up Arrow
Extend the selection to the end of the current paragraph
Option-Shift-Down Arrow
Extend the selection to the beginning of the text
Shift-Command-Up Arrow or Shift-Home
Extend the selection to the end of the text
Shift-Command-Down Arrow or Shift-End
Select a bullet and its text
Click the bullet
Move a bullet and its text, with its sub-bullets and text
Click the bullet and drag
Action → Shortcut
Show the Fonts window → Command-T
Show the Colors window
Apply boldface to selected text
Apply italic to selected text
Apply underline to selected text
Delete the previous character or selection
Delete the next character or selection
Fn-Delete or Forward Delete (not available on all keyboards)
Delete the word before the insertion point
Delete the word after the insertion point
Option-Forward Delete (not available on all keyboards)
Delete the text between the insertion point and the next paragraph break
Make the font size bigger
Command-Plus Sign (+)
Make the font size smaller
Command-Minus Sign (-)
Decrease the space between selected characters
Option-Command-Left Bracket ([)
Increase the space between selected characters
Option-Command-Right Bracket (])
Make the text superscript
Control-Shift-Command-Plus Sign (+)
Make the text subscript
Control-Command-Minus Sign (-)
Align the text flush left
Command-Left Brace ({)
Center the text
Command-Vertical Bar (|)
Align the text flush right
Command-Right Brace (})
Align the text flush left and flush right (justify)
Option-Command-Vertical Bar (|)
Decrease the indent level of a block of text or a list item
Command-Left Bracket ([)
Increase the indent level of a block of text or a list item
Command-Right Bracket (])
Decrease the indent level of a list item or headline
Increase the indent level of a list item or headline
Turn text into a link
Cut the selection
Copy the selection
Copy the paragraph style
Paste the selection
Paste the paragraph style
Paste and match the style of the destination text
Add a range to (or remove it from) the selection
Shift-drag or Command-drag
Insert a nonbreaking space
Option-Space bar
Insert a line break (soft return)
Insert a paragraph break
Insert a new line after the insertion point
Enter special characters
Control-Command-Space bar
Transpose the characters on either side of the insertion point
Apply a paragraph, character, or list style using your own shortcut
Assign a shortcut key
Insert an equation
Find and delete text, use comments, and check spelling
Find next (while in the Find window)
Find previous (while in the Find window)
Place the selected text in the Find & Replace text field
Replace text
Scroll the window to show the selected text or object
Hide the Find window
Look up the word at the insertion point
Display a list of words to complete the selected word
Check spelling and grammar
Command-Semicolon (;)
Show the “Spelling and Grammar” window
Shift-Command-Colon (:)
Open a new comment for the selected text, object, or table cell
Save a comment
Show the next comment
Show the previous comment
Move, group, layer, and resize objects
Show or hide the object list
Select all objects
Select one object, then press Command-A
Deselect all objects
Select one object, then press Shift-Command-A
Select objects by dragging
Drag from a blank part of the slide around objects. Option-drag to select objects outward from the starting point
Scroll zoom
For Magic Mouse or a trackpad. Option-Command-scroll
Add or remove objects from the selection
Select the next object on the slide
Select the previous object on the slide
Select or deselect additional objects
Command-click or Shift-click
Move selected objects
Move the selected object one point
Press an arrow key
Move the selected object ten points
Press Shift and an arrow key
Move the selected object one screen pixel
Press an arrow key
Move the selected object ten screen pixels
Press Shift and an arrow key
Copy the graphic style of text
Paste the graphic style of text
Send the selected object to the back
Send the selected object one layer back
Bring the selected object to the front
Bring the selected object one layer forward
Group selected objects
Ungroup selected objects
Select an object in a group
Double-click the object
Lock selected objects
Unlock selected objects
Duplicate the object
Command-D or Option-drag
Constrain the movement of the object to 45°
Resize the object
Drag a selection handle
Disable alignment guides while resizing
Resize the object from the center
Option-drag a selection handle
Constrain the aspect ratio when resizing the object
Shift-drag a selection handle
Constrain the aspect ratio when resizing the object from the center
Option-Shift-drag a selection handle
Rotate the object
Command-drag a selection handle
Rotate the object 45°
Press Shift while rotating
Rotate the object around the opposite handle (instead of the center)
Option-Command-drag a selection handle
Rotate the object 45° around the opposite handle (instead of the center)
Option-Shift-Command-drag a selection handle
Turn off alignment guides while moving an object
Mask or unmask the object
Hide mask controls
Return, Enter, or double-click
Show mask controls
Double-click the masked image
Open the shortcut menu for the selected item
Control-click the item
Exit text editing and select the object
Define the object as a media placeholder
Define the selected text as a text placeholder
Modify editable shapes
Make a custom shape editable
Double-click the edge of the shape
Draw a custom shape with the Pen tool
Move a point of an editable shape
Drag the point to another location
Delete a point of an editable shape
Click the point, then press Delete on your keyboard
Add a sharp point to an editable shape
Command-drag the midpoint of a line
Add a smooth point to an editable shape
Drag the midpoint of a line
Add a Bézier point to an editable shape
Option-drag the midpoint of a line
Change a curve point of an editable shape into a corner point
Double-click the curved point
Reshape the curve of a smooth point
Drag the line adjacent to the smooth point
Reshape the curve of a Bézier point
Click a Bézier point and drag the control
Work with tables
Add a row above the selected cells
Option-Up Arrow
Add a row below the selected cells
Option-Down Arrow
Add a column to the right of the selected cells
Option-Right Arrow
Add a column to the left of the selected cells
Option-Left Arrow
Insert a row at the bottom of the table
Select a cell in the bottom row, then press Option-Return
Insert a column on the right of the table
Select a cell in the right most column, then press Tab
Select an entire row or column
Click the table, then click the letter for the column or the number for the row
Select additional rows
Shift-Up Arrow or Shift-Down Arrow
Select additional columns
Shift-Right Arrow or Shift-Left Arrow
Select additional cells
Select only body cells in a row or column
Double-click the letter for the column or the number for the row
Move the cell selection to the beginning of the next row
Select a cell in the rightmost column, then press Tab
Stop the reordering of rows or columns
Press Esc while dragging
Select all content in a table
Delete the selected table, or the contents of selected cells
Constrain the movement of the table and snap to guides
Shift-drag the table
Replace the contents of the selected cell with the contents of the destination cell
Drag the selected cell to another cell
Copy the contents of the selected cell into the destination cell
Option-drag the selected cell to another cell
Copy cell style
Paste cell style
Paste and preserve the style of the destination cell
Select a cell
Click a cell in a selected table (double-click a cell in an unselected table)
Edit a cell
Select a cell, then press Return
Highlight the row and column for a cell
Press Option as you hover over a cell
Open a pop-up menu in a selected cell
Space bar
Add a cell to (or remove it from) the selection
Command-click a selected or unselected cell
Auto-align cell content
Stop editing the cell and select the cell
Stop editing the cell and select the table
Command-Return twice
Move the selected table one point
Press an arrow key
Move the selected table ten points
Press Shift and an arrow key
Resize all columns in a table proportionately
Select the table, then Shift-drag a resize handle
Select the next cell or, if the last cell is selected, add a new row
Select the previous cell
Select the cell below
Select the cell above
Select the cell to the left, right, up, or down
Press an arrow key (from a selected cell)
Extend the cell selection by one cell
Press Shift and an arrow key (from a selected cell)
Select the parent of the current selection
Insert a tab when editing text or a formula
Insert a line break (soft return) when editing text in a cell
Insert a paragraph break (hard return) when editing text in a cell
Open the formula editor for the selected nonformula cell
Equal Sign (=)
Open the formula editor for the cell containing a formula or formatted number
Double-click or Option-Return
Paste formula results
In the formula editor, save changes
Return or Tab
In the formula editor, discard changes
Esc (Escape)
Edit chart data
Show or hide the Chart Data Editor
Complete a cell entry and move the selection down
Complete a cell entry and move the selection up
Complete a cell entry and move the selection to the right
Complete a cell entry and move the selection to the left
Move one character to the left or right
Press the Left Arrow or Right Arrow key
Move to the beginning of text or to the end of text
Press the Up Arrow or Down Arrow key
Move the chart legend one point
Select the legend, then press an arrow key
Move the chart legend ten points
Select the legend, then hold down Shift and press an arrow key
Create cell references in formulas
Navigate to and select a single cell
Press Option and an arrow key
Extend or shrink a selected cell reference
Press Option-Shift and an arrow key
Navigate to the first or last nonheader cell in a row or column
Press Option-Command and an arrow key
Insert a line break
Insert a tab
Specify absolute and relative attributes of selected cell references
Press Command-K or Shift-Command-K to move forward or backward through options
Specify absolute and relative attributes of the first and last cells of selected cell references
Press Option-Command-K or Option-Shift-Command-K to move forward or backward through options
Use Navigator view
Create a new slide at same level as last selected slide
Return or Shift-Command-N
Indent selected slides to the right
Move indented slides to the left
Select multiple slides
Extend or decrease the slide selection
Add (or remove) a single discontiguous slide from the selection
Use the default master to create a new slide after the selected slide
Option-click the Add Slide button in the toolbar
Duplicate a slide
Delete selected slides
Move to the next slide
Down Arrow
Move to the previous slide
Up Arrow
Expand a slide group
Right Arrow
Collapse a slide group
Left Arrow
Skip a slide so it doesn’t show in a presentation, or show a slide that’s being skipped
Use Light Table view
Move to the next slide
Right arrow
Move to the previous slide
Left Arrow
Extend the selection to the next slide
Shift-Right arrow
Extend the selection to the previous slide
Shift-Left Arrow
Extend the selection to the first slide
Shift-Command-Up Arrow
Extend the selection to the last slide
Shift-Command-Down Arrow
Select the first slide
Command-Up Arrow
Select the last slide
Command-Down Arrow
Play a presentation and use the presenter mode
Play a presentation
Play a presentation beginning with the first slide
Option-click the Play button in the toolbar
Advance to the next slide or build
Right Arrow or Down Arrow
Go to previous slide
Left Arrow or Up Arrow
Advance to the next build or slide without animation
Shift-Right Arrow
Advance to the next slide without builds and animations
Shift-Down Arrow or Shift-Page Down
Show or hide presenter notes
Go back to previous build
Shift-Left Arrow or Shift-Page Up
Go back through previously viewed slides
Pause the presentation
Pause the presentation and show a black screen
Pause the presentation and show a white screen
Show or hide the pointer
Display the slide number
Open the slide switcher
Press a slide number
Go to the next slide in the slide switcher
Plus Sign (+)
Go to the previous slide in the slide switcher
Minus Sign (-)
Go to the current slide and close the slide switcher
Close the slide switcher
Switch the primary and presenter displays
Reset timer
Scroll the presenter notes up
Scroll the presenter notes down
Increase note font size
Command-Plus Sign
Decrease note font size
Command-Minus Sign
Quit presentation mode
Esc or Q
Hide the presentation and switch to last app used
Show or hide keyboard shortcuts
Question Mark (?) or Forward Slash (/)
Go to first slide
Home or Fn-Up Arrow
Go to last slide
End or Fn-Down Arrow
Control a video during a presentation
Play the video
Space bar
Pause or resume playing the video
Rewind the video (by frame, if it’s paused)
Fast forward the video (by frame, if it’s paused)
Jump to the beginning of the video
Jump to the end of the video