With FineReader, you can easily convert any type of image to ePub or FB2 formats, which are widely used for e-books. The ePub and FB2 formats are based on XML and store an e-book in one file. This ensures compatibility with different e-book reading applications and devices.

Images can be converted to ePub or FB2 books by using quick tasks. Simply import the images to convert and customize the export parameters if required. FineReader will do the rest.

However, quick tasks do not allow you to edit the resulting images or area markup, which you sometimes need to do to improve the quality of OCR. When handling complex multi-page documents or converting facing pages you may prefer manual operations to the quick task.


Follow these steps to convert images to ePub or FB2:

Import the images.

Analyze and recognize the imagesBy default, the software automatically analyzes the document structure and starts the recognition process. Start the recognition process manually if you have disables the default processing options or adjusted the detected areas. To do this, click Recognize in the main toolbar.

Export the resultsClick the ePub or FB2 button in the export dialog box, depending on the desired output format.

The above steps are described in greater detail in "Main Stages of Document Processing".

Tip: A variety of factors may affect the quality of OCR. For more information, see "Improving Recognition Results".

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