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Phân biệt giữa Project và Sequences

A PROJECT is created to have a place to IMPORT all the ASSETS (video audio, graphics, titles) that you will work with, and also a place to do the edits (on sequences). All your assets and sequences are part of the Project, so when you Save the Project, it all stays together.

A SEQUENCE is the timeline (inside the Project) where you assemble the clips together and do the editing. You can have multiple Sequences in a single project. As mentioned, this can be used to break down a large, complex project into smaller, manageable segments.

So you have a single Project, but several Sequences. Maybe you name them INTRO, MAIN, and CREDITS. After you complete editing of these three segments, you create a New Sequence and call it MASTER. This is blank, then one by one, you drag INTRO, MAIN and CREDITS to the Master timeline (each Sequence comes in as a large single clip) and you then have a complete program to lay off to tape, export to DVD, etc.


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