Chuyên trang về Sculpture trên Blender



Sculpt   Rotate View   Menu

Transform Mode

Sculpt   Pan View  Set Pivot Position

  Select   Dolly View  Mask Lasso Gesture

Sculturing Mode

- Add/Subtract Sculpting (Invert)

- Smooth tool

f - Brush Radius

 f - Brush Strength

Shift a - mask

Alt m - un mask


mask edit [pie-menu]a

shading [pie-menu]z

Change Obj to sculpture -  q [move cursor over the obj]

Remesh ⟶ r

Remesh apply ⟶ r

Hide Area - h
Unhide Selection - h
Unhide All - h

Mask Paint Mode - m
Subtract Mask Paint - click
Fill/Clear Mask - i
Lasso Mask - click
Stroke Method - e


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