Add on tạo cây trong Blender

Cài đặt

Vào Preference > Add on

F9 fn - bật lại bảng chỉnh

8 thiết lập cho tree.
  1. Geometry - hình dạng khối
  2. Branch Radius - độ mập nhánh
  3. Branch Splitting - độ phân tách nhánh
  4. Branch Growth - độ vươn của nhánh
  5. Pruning - tỉa xén bớt
  6. Leaves - Lá
  7. Armature - chuyển động trục thân
  8. Animation - chuyển động



scale - kích thước cây

Branch Radius - độ mập cành
Branch Splitting

  • Level - Cấp phân nhánh của cành (nhánh cấp 1, nhánh cấp 2,..)
  • Base Splitting - tách thân (số thân chính)

Preset - loại cây thiết lập có sẵn

  • japanese maple
  • quaking aspen - Cây dương Bắc Mỹ
  • white birch - cây Phong, cây bạch dương
  • willow - cây liễu
  • douglas fir - cây thông bắc mỹ
  • small maple - cây Thích
  • callistemon - Cây Tràm
  • small pine - Cây Thông nhỏ
  • weeping willow - cây Liễu rủ
Bevel - đắp thịt làm dầy thân, nhánh
  • Bevel Resolution - Determines how smooth the outline of the beveled curve is. The lower this value, the smaller the number of vertices but the resulting geometry will be coarser.
  • Curve Resolution - Changes the smoothness of the curve along its length. This is only relevant if Handle Type is set to Auto.
  • Handle Type (vector/ auto) - Determines the method of interpolation of the curve between Bézier points.
    • Vector type results in fewer vertices but straight segments.
    • Auto type smooths the segments but requires more expensive geometry.
  • Shape - Governs the distribution of branches in order to effect the overall shape of the tree.
    • Conical - hình nón
    • Inverse Conical- hình nón (ngược lại)
    • Spherical - hình khối cầu
    • Hemispherical - hình nửa khối cầu
    • Cylindrical - hình trụ
    • Tapered Cylindrical - hình trụ nhỏ dần 1 đầu (thuôn dần)
    • Inverse Tapered Cylindrical - hình trụ thuôn (ngược lại)
    • Flame - Hình ngọn lửa
    • Tend Flame - Hình lều
    • Custom Shape

Custom Shape - Customize the branch shape along the branch length.
Secondary Splits - Change the style of secondary branches.
Branch Distribution - Adjust branch distribution towards the top or bottom of the tree.
Branch Rings - Grow the Branches in Rings.
Random Seed - Sets the basis on which all random values for the tree are generated. This can be changed to allow different trees with the same basic parameters to be generated.


  • Tree Scale:
    • Scale
      The underlying size of the tree in Blender units.
    • Scale Variation
      The maximum amount that the scale of the tree can vary (up or down) from the value of Scale.
    • Radius Scale
      The scale of the radius at the base of the tree.
    • Radius Variation - số biến thể tối đa 
      The maximum amount that the radius scale of the tree can vary (up or down) from the value of Radius Scale.

Preset Name
The name of the preset to be exported. This will export all current properties of the tree to the Sapling preset folder as a py-file.
Export Preset
Export all current properties.
Load Preset
Any presets found in the Sapling preset directory may be imported when selected here.
Limit Import
This can be used to restrict what geometry is created when a preset is imported. If selected, only two levels of branches and no leaves will be generated.
Branch Radius

This sub menu contains the settings for the branch radius. You can adjust the bevel and taper of the branches here.

Branch Splitting

This sub menu contains the settings for branch splitting. You can adjust how the branches form and split here. Settings include levels, height and angle of the split.

Branch Growth

This sub menu contains the settings for branch growth. You can adjust how the branches grow here. Settings include length, angle and curvature.


This sub menu contains the settings for pruning the branches.

Press the Prune checkbox and you will see the prune object next to the tree.
Change the settings to adjust the prune objects shape to form your tree.

This sub menu contains the settings for leaves.

Press the Show Leaves checkbox and you will see leaves on the tree.
Press the Make mesh checkbox if you want to convert the curve to a mesh.
Settings include shape, object type, rotations and scale.


This sub menu contains the settings to add an armature to your tree. It’s not recommended to use this function on highly complex trees as it may take time to compute.

Turn off leaves and prune if you have them on.
Press the Use Armature checkbox to add the armature to the tree.
Adjust the armature levels and bone length to your liking.
Do not pose the bones until you have finished the tree.
you are now ready to use the next sub menu Animation.

This sub menu contains the settings to animate your tree. It’s recommended to finalize all your settings now.

You will need to have an armature already created above.
Press the Armature Animation checkbox to add the animation to the tree.
Press the Leaf Animation checkbox to add the animation to the leaves if you have them.
Press the Fast Preview checkbox to hide the leaves and bevel for fast animation playback in the viewport.
Settings include speed, wind strength and leaf animation.



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