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Thể loại: Sách mỹ thuật
Tác giả: Valerie L.Winslow
Ngôn ngữ: tiếng Anh
Định dạng: EPUBS
Dung lượng: 389,3 MB (256 trang)
DownloadClassic Human anatomy in motion



Title Page

CHAPTER 1: Bones and Surface Landmarks

The Main Bones of the Human Figure
Bony Landmarks
The Cranium
The Vertebral Column
The Thorax (Rib Cage)
The Sternum
The Shoulder Girdle of the Rib Cage
Bones of the Upper Limb
The Humerus
The Ulna and Radius
Bones of the Hand
The Pelvis
Bones of the Lower Limb
Bones of the Foot

CHAPTER 2: Joints and Joint Movement

Basic Joint Types
Fibrous Joints
Cartilaginous Joints
Synovial Joints
Basic Joint Movements
Anatomical Planes
The Individual Joints of the Skeleton
Mandible Joint
Joints of the Vertebral Column, Rib Cage, and Pelvis
Joints of the Upper Limb and Shoulder Girdle
Joints of the Lower Limb

CHAPTER 3: Muscle and Tendon Characteristics

Skeletal Muscles
Muscle Architecture
Muscles’ Internal Structure
Muscle Attachments (Tendons)
Tendon Landmarks
Tendons of the Sternocleidomastoid Muscle of the Neck
Tendons of the Dorsal Side of the Hand
Tendons of the Anterior Region of the Lower Arm
Tendons of the Hamstring Muscles
The Achilles Tendon
Tendons of the Dorsal Side of the Foot
Muscle Contraction
Dynamic Muscle Contraction
Static Muscle Contraction
Muscles’ Differing Roles
Agonist (Prime Mover) and Antagonist
Synergists and Stabilizers
The Influence of Force on Anatomical Forms

CHAPTER 4: Facial Muscles and Expressions

Facial Muscle Movement
Facial Muscle Groups
The Forehead Muscle Group
The Orbital Muscle Group
The Nasal Muscle Group
The Oral Muscle Group
Facial Expressions
Muscles That Move the Jaw
Muscles of the Mandible
The Suprahyoid Muscle Group
Open-Mouth Expressions
The Platysma and Risorius Muscles
Facial Wrinkle Patterns

CHAPTER 5: Muscles of the Neck and Torso

Muscles of the Neck
Muscles of the Thorax
The Abdominal Muscle Group
Muscles of the Back
The Superficial Muscle Layer
The Intermediate Muscle Layer
The Deep Muscle Layer
The Scapular Muscle Group
The Deltoid
The Axilla

CHAPTER 6: Muscles of the Arm and Hand

Muscle Groups of the Upper Arm
The Flexor Muscle Group of the Upper Arm
The Extensor Muscle Group of the Upper Arm
Muscle Groups of the Lower Arm
The Flexor Muscle Group of the Lower Arm
The Extensor Muscle Group of the Lower Arm
The Radial Muscle Group
Muscles of the Hand
The Interosseous Muscle Group
The Thenar Muscle Group
The Hypothenar Muscle Group

CHAPTER 7: Muscles of the Leg and Foot

The Gluteal Muscle Group
Three Muscle Groups of the Upper Leg, with the Sartorius Muscle
The Quadriceps Muscle Group
The Adductor Muscle Group
The Sartorius Muscle
The Hamstring Muscle Group
Three Muscle Groups of the Lower Leg
The Flexor Muscle Group of the Lower Leg
The Extensor Muscle Group of the Lower Leg
The Peroneal Muscle Group of the Lower Leg
Muscles of the Foot

CHAPTER 8: Body Types, Surface Landmarks, and Soft-Tissue Characteristics

Basic Body Types
The Mesomorph Body Type
The Ectomorph Body Type
The Endomorph Body Type
Surface Form Landmarks
Landmarks of the Head and Neck
Landmarks of the Torso
Landmarks of the Arm and Hand
Landmarks of the Leg and Foot
The Subcutaneous Layer
Fat Pads and Fatty Tissues
Fatty Tissues of the Face and Neck Region
Fatty Tissues of the Torso
Fatty Tissues of the Arm and Hand
Fatty Tissues of the Leg

CHAPTER 9: Structures and Planes of the Figure

Preliminary Structures
Structures for the Head
Structures for the Neck and Shoulders
Structures for the Rib Cage and Pelvis
Structures for the Arm
Structures for the Hand
Structures for the Leg
Structures for the Foot
The Planes of the Figure

CHAPTER 10: Gesture and Action Drawing

Method #1: The Stick Figure Approach
Method #2: The Silhouette Approach
Method #3: The Searching Line Approach
Method #4: The Organic Line Approach
Method #5: The Contour Lines and Tones Approach
Method #6: The Anatomical Gesture Approach
Method #7: The Manikin Approach
Method #8: The Toned Paper Approach
Enhancing Gesture Drawings
Gesture Drawings of Body Parts
Practicing Gesture Drawing—Pros and Cons
Drawing from a Professional Model in a Studio Setting
Drawing from Nonprofessional Models
Drawing from Photographs
Drawing from Other Artists’ Drawings
Drawing Ordinary People in Everyday Situations
Drawing from Memory or Imagination

CHAPTER 11: Finding Movement within the Stationary Figure

The “Four T’s”
Turning Movement
Tilting Movement
Tipping Movement
Twisting Movement
Combining Tilting and Turning
Movements of the Head
Turning of the Head
Tilting of the Head
Tipping of the Head
Combining Tilting and Turning of the Head
Combining Turning, Tilting, and Tipping of the Head
Tilting Movements of the Torso
Vertical Alignment of the Rib Cage and Pelvis
Tilting Rib Cage with Stationary Pelvis
Tilting Pelvis with Stationary Rib Cage
Tilting Rib Cage and Tilting Pelvis
Basic Twisting Movement of the Torso
Continuous Twisting Movement of the Whole Figure
Axes of Movement
Finding Movement in Standing Poses: Contrapposto
Traditional Contrapposto
Dynamic Contrapposto
Finding Movement in Various Poses: Line of Action
Finding Movement in Diagonal Poses

CHAPTER 12: Rhythmic Movement

Rhythm of Line
Rhythm of Forms
Rhythm of Shapes
Rhythm of Lights and Tones

CHAPTER 13: Sequential Movement

Mechanics of the Gait Cycle
The Walking Gait Cycle
The Running Gait Cycle
Sequential Movement Exercises
Exercise #1: Working from Freeze-Framed Video
Exercise #2: Working from Sequential Still Photographs
Exercise #3: Superimposing Sequential Actions
Exercise #4: Capturing Continuous Movement
Exercise #5: Capturing Basic Positions of a Choreographed Movement
Exercise #6: Capturing Action/Reaction Poses

Suggested Reading
About the Author/Artist


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