Principles Of Layout And Composition

Proximity – Proximity is something that will allow you to define a relationship between elements in your content. Elements that are related should be grouped together, placed in near proximity. In the same way that being grouped together will show a relationship between elements, them being placed away from each other will show a lack of relationship.

White space – White space is space between your content that gives your content room to breathe and makes it easier to understand for the people viewing it. Having a good amount of white space is crucial for all compositions.

Alignment – To align something means to arrange it in a straight line or in correct relative positions. The key to using alignment is to use it consistently through your work. You can do it manually using grids and rulers, but all software tools you will be working with come with alignment tools.

Contrast – Contrast is having differentiations within your design elements. You can make contrast using different colors, sizes, fonts, etc.. With contrast, you can not only draw focus to a specific part of your design but the whole design in general by making it interesting using contrast.

Hierarchy – Its function is very similar to contrast since it is to emphasize or draw attention to something by making it bolder, bigger, different in order to show that it is important.

Repetition – Every good design project uses repetition. By repeating certain design elements like the color palette, header style, you make your project coherent. It is useful for practical reasons as well.

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