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tip 21. Độ trong của layer (Opacity)

Như đã đề cập ở tip 8: độ trong có thể được chỉnh bằng menu Adjustment và thao tác tap 2 ngón lên layer

tip 22. Các chế độ hòa trộn (Blending modes)

Cũng như các phần mềm xử lý ảnh mạnh mẽ khác, các chế độ hòa trộn là cách thiết lập để tạo ra các hiệu ứng cộng gộp nhiều layer tương tác lẫn nhau

Darken blend modes

  • Multiply

    The best mode for darkening. Great for creating shadows and removing whites and other light colors.

  • Linear Burn

    Darker than Multiply but less saturated than Color Burn.

  • Color Burn

    Darker than Multiply with more saturated ​

    mid-tones and slightly reduced highlights.


  • Lighten

    If the pixels of the selected layer are lighter than the ones on the layers below, they are kept in the image.

  • Screen

    Lightens the layer where it blends with the pixels beneath. Screen is the exact opposite to Multiply mode and visually will make dark pixels appear transparent.

  • Add

    Similarly to Screen, Add lightens the layers underneath. However, it has a much greater effect, causing awesome effects like blooming lights or image burn.

  • Color Dodge

    Brighter than the Screen blend mode. Typically results in saturated mid-tones and blown highlights


  • Overlay

    Uses a combination of the Screen blend mode on the lighter pixels, and the Multiply blend mode on the darker pixels.

  • Hard Light

    Works similar to Overlay, but uses the selected layer’s intensity.

  • Soft Light

    A half-strength application of the Overlay mode resulting in a softer, more organic effect.


  • Exclusion

    Produces an effect like a photographic negative, but with less contrast to the Difference blend mode. Mid range colors tend to go grey and ‘washed out’.

  • Difference

    Produces a negative or inverted effect relative to the difference between the layers. Black pixels denote no difference between layers.

  • Subtract

    Subtracts the selected layer’s color from the underlying colors. If the selected color is black the result color is the underlying color.


  • Hue

    Takes the luminosity and saturation of the underlying colors and the hue of the blend color. Try overlaying an artwork with a Hue layer to change the mood.

  • Saturation

    Result color has the luminosity and hue of the layers below and the saturation of the selected layer.

  • Color

    Color uses the luminosity of the layers underneath and the hue and saturation of the selected layer. Grey levels are maintained which is very useful for coloring monochrome images.

  • Luminosity

    Luminosity uses the hue and saturation of the layers underneath and sets the luminosity of the selected layer.

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