Dilution - độ pha loãng (càng loãng càng uớt càng dễ hoà trộn)
Charge - độ ngấm mực ở đầu cọ (mực càng ngấm, nét cọ càng dài). Mỗi lần đặt nhấc lên và đặt lại cọ khỏi canvas, cọ sẽ ngấm mực lại
Attack - Đọ dầy nét cọ lên canvas
Pull - độ quệt nét cọ lên màu bên dưới nó trên canvas 
Blur Jitter
Wetness Jitter


Total noob question here but I can't figure these brushes out. They paint on the canvas for a moment and then the ink "dries up" and they stop working. I have tried adjusting all the settings I can find but I can't seem to make these work. Does anyone have any idea what I might try?


Hi Ellsworth

Tap a brush thumbnail to open its settings panel, and go to Dynamics in the row of tabs along the bottom.

For the Wet Mix brushes, do one or the other of these two things:

  • Increase the Charge setting in the top section under the heading Brush Rendering. If you increase it but not all the way, the brush will paint for longer before tailing off. If you increase Charge to 100% the brush will keep painting as long as you want it to on each stroke. You’ll see in Przemysław’s original post at the top that this is his preferred way of adjusting the brushes for varying wetness.
  • Alternatively, modify the Dilution slider, above Charge in the same section. If you set Dilution to zero, for example, the paint doesn’t tail off at all.

These sliders aren’t available for Glazed and Normal brushes. Some of the brushes, like the Chalk Pastel brush, may be designed to make fairly faint marks.

At least one of the brushes - the Pastel & Water 2 - lays down spaced dabs, that then blend if you go over the stroke again. It sort of paints and blends.

If you want to convert it into a continuous-line brush, tap the Stroke tab and move the the Spacing slider setting further left towards zero.

Does that help?


Nguồn: https://folio.procreate.art/discussions/10/28/22758

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