Với người mới bước vào con đường digital painting luôn bị ngợp với việc chọn ra cọ nào cho thích hợp

Nên dùng cọ nào?

Brushes come in all shapes, sizes, and textures

Cọ được sử dụng

  • Để vẽ và phác thảo
  • Đổ màu vào mảng như Paint Bucket Tool
  • Tạo các Gradient chuyển màu tuyệt đẹp
  • Tô bóng, lên khối hình thành các mảng dark tones, mid tones, và highlights
  • Tạo texture (chất liệu bề mặt)
  • Tô pattern lên mảng theo cách tiết kiệm thời gian
  • Tinh chỉnh các chi tiết tranh

Vai trò của bảng vẽ

Cho phép vẽ với lực nhấn cọ giả lập cách vẽ trên giấy

Cọ Standard Round Brush là khởi đầu với những cài đặt thích hợp

chỉ cần 1 cọ với các tinh chỉnh là có 1 bộ cọ linh hoạt

From left to right, you have a Standard Round Brush with Hardness levels at 100, 50, and 0%

Brush Hardness, Size, and Opacity

Opacity, Size, and Hardness are the more important features you'll need to know about the Brush Tool. Right-click to access this smaller panel for a much easier workflow in Photoshop.
Cọ để phác thảo: Không dùng cọ mềm
Notice how the ends taper? Whenever you drag your pen across the tablet, these settings allow for a beautiful flick at the end that will instantly make you feel as if you're drawing on paper.
  • Brush Hardness: Always 100%.
  • Spacing: Keep under 30%.
  • Brush Size: The smaller the size, the cleaner the sketch. I like 5-10 pixels.
  • Shape Dynamics: Set Size Control to Pen Pressure (for tapered ends).
  • Transfer: Set Opacity Control to Pen Pressure.

These settings will help you create line art like the examples below. The key to clean line art is to take your time making fluid, deliberate strokes. You don't always need the Shape Dynamics option on, but if you want to make your sketches look more traditional, then it definitely helps.

Base Colors and Blocking Out Tones
Đổ màu nền và lên khối (shadows, mid tones, highlights)
Laying in the initial tones is all about speed. Feel free to use either soft or hard brushes to help you understand the overall direction of your painting.
  • Brush Hardness: Varies on the effect. Soft brushes create realistic shadows while hard brushes help to sculpt. I generally stick to 30-50%.
  • Brush Size: Bigger is better for fast application.
  • Shape Dynamics: Remember to turn the Pen Pressure Off after sketching, or the brush strokes will be tapered and hard to apply.

No matter how harsh this initial step may be, the blending phase will help to smooth any details out.


Whether you're painting skin or a beautiful sky, eventually soft brushes come into play. And the harder the brush, the harder it is to blend. Start with the lowest setting for Hardness in order to gauge whether or not you need to increase it. The style you're going for will make this step purely subjective, so experiment to see what works best.

  • Brush Hardness: Start with 0% and increase according to your needs.
  • Brush Size: Large brushes cover more area so you'll rarely need to use tiny brushes.
  • Shape Dynamics: Pen Pressure should still be off during this phase.
One of the best ways to master blending is to study skin. Use soft brushes for the center of the face, and harder brushes for the edges and details.


Digital Paintings are best painted at high resolutions. But the bigger they get, the harder it is to paint details because the file size becomes massive. Try to combat brush lag so that you can paint in those details for the best quality painting.

  • Brush Hardness: Maintain between 60-100% for crisp details.
  • Brush Size: Depends on your painting resolution. Generally speaking, use smaller brushes to help you get into the nooks and crannies of your paintings for better details.

Specialty and Texture Brushes

Everyone loves brush packs. Why draw a bunch of leaves or fur by hand if I have a brush that can do it for me?
The main reasons why you would choose texture and specialty brushes is to either create a certain effect, add texture of course, or simply convenience. You can save a lot of energy and time by using a brush that creates an effect in a matter of seconds.

Nguồn: https://design.tutsplus.com/articles/digital-painting-tips-how-to-pick-the-right-brushes--cms-25819

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